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Monday, March 1, 2010

Romantica Rose..

Born in Provence in the south of France and steeped in romantic history this unique family of modern hybrid roses has the charm of old-fashioned flowers. They awaken the senses with their regal voluptuous shapes and sensuous fragrances. The name “Romantica” reflects the French period of intense, emotional artistic creation in opera, art, music, and sculpture - hence the names of famous romantic authors, painters, and characters form operas. Both Louise and I have visited the nursery of the hybridizer, Meilland, in France and have seen some of what the future holds. The first in the Romantic series is the beautiful ‘Eden’

ABBAYE DE CLUNY®™  (MEIgrinpay) Pat. 9609
EDEN™  (MEIviolin)(Pierre de Ronsard)  Pat. 6892
FREDERIC MISTRAL™  (MEItebros) Pat. 10004
POLKA  (MEItosier) Pat. 9233